
Offshore Workers Most Likely To Die

A recent Center for Disease Control and Prevention study reveals that oil and gas industry workers are seven times more likely to be killed while working than all other workers in the United Sates. Offshore fatalities from 2003-2010 were used in the study, based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics Census of Fatal Occupational Industries.

Transportation accidents were noted as the cause for a high percentage of deaths. Over half of the accidents from 2003-2010 were transportation related. All transportation accidents occurred in the Gulf of Mexico and 49 were helicopter accidents.

On a positive note, the study reveals that no weather related helicopter accidents occurred in the years studied. The use of satellites to send weather and emergency information is credited for elimination of such accidents in the study.

In addition to transportation, many factors can contribute to an offshore injury. Offshore workers typically work with large, complex machinery and dangerous chemicals. In addition to this hazardous work environment, workers tend to work extremely long hours and can be exposed to dangerous weather conditions.

Broussard, David & Moroux represents clients who have suffered an offshore injury and has a proven record of success in maritime and helicopter injury cases. If you or a loved one has been injured while working offshore, you may have legal rights. Please call the attorneys at Broussard, David & Moroux at 888-337-2323 (toll free) or 337-233-2323 (local) for a free consultation.

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